Cultivating Technological Capability
Seed Consulting is founded on the principles of partnering with people to maximise the use of their existing technology devices. Apple embed many features into the Operating System on Mac, iPhone and iPad. We help you to unlock the potential of these features to benefit every aspect of your life. A particular expertise we have is working with Education and Accessibility.
We value openness, honesty and integrity when working with our partners.
Everyone of us learns differently. Apple technology makes it possible for learning and teaching to be maximised. Google makes collaboration so easy. Give each user the most appropriate tools to demonstrate their understanding and take advantage of the capabilities the devices provide. We are New Zealand Ministry of Education Centrally Funded and Accredited Facilitators. We can assist you to apply for these available funding streams.
Mobility and flexibility are cornerstones for modern businesses to be successful. We can suggest ways to automate processes that are absorbing more time than they need to. Allow us to observe your way of working and suggest adjustments to deliver improvements. We can workshop with your staff to hear their views and develop programmes customised for them. Where needed we can develop custom apps for your business.
We live very complex lives with so many things to remember and do. We show you how to personalise your Apple technology to make your life easier. Sometimes we need extra assistance to complete tasks, complex or mundane. Apple's accessibility features combined with selected apps are fantastic for making all things possible.