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Animate by Doink

A really cool and powerful app that is simple and easy to create your own animations. It's great combined with the Green Screen app to make your own CGI.

Sock Puppets

This super cute app makes great conversations between your characters. It even puts on silly voices for you if you want it to, and can be used with a green screen also. Have a bunch of characters and change backdrops to create your own play.

Puppet Pals HD

Puppet pals let's you make and animate your own characters. Give them a background and have them move and change size in the scene. Great for story telling and placing yourself in a different place and time.

Explain Everything

Explain Everything is a very power tool that can be used for all sorts of activities. In this instance we suggest that it's a very simple and practical way to create animations. Only limited by your skill set. You can add a green screen back ground and combine this with Doink or iMovie on your Mac.

Chatterpix / Chatterkids

Chatterpix allows you to add a mouth to any object and record it talking. There is a 30 sec limit on this, but it does have a bunch of free stickers that you can add. Also allows text and borders to be added.

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iPad Apps

Web Pages


Captivate... Engage... Explain! Make animated videos and presentations. Fight distractions in class and grab your students attention by making your education materials come to life with a Powtoon! It’s great for school projects too!


This webpage lets you simply make a talking image. Select the image, add a mouth and then record what it's going to say. The mouth is great as it can be customised to be the shape and location you would like it to be. It's a bit of a mission to download, as the site works in flash and the file then has to be edited to be an mpg. but gives a cool outcome.


Now an iPad app as well as a website this tool lets you select an avatar, animate it, record a voice for it, and select a background. It's great to enhance classroom instruction, class engagement, and lesson comprehension.


Moovly is a free for education tool that allows you to make pretty sophisticated animated videos online, right there in your web browser. Moovly contains loads of stock images and video clips, and has all sorts of cool tools. 

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